Wealth Preservation, DeFi, Crypto & Tech Symposium

with Kim Daniela, Tony Knight and Gerald Lopez

Free up your ability to make wealth sustainably and ethically. Join the DeFi Freedom Revolution!
Livestream Seminar Saturday 9 October 2021 10am-12pm NZT
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Manage your Wealth

For the first time in human history, we have the ability to build wealth and access financial services that, previously, only the super-wealthy could! If you have been financially struggling, or are wondering what to do with your hard-earned assets, this symposium will open your mind to the new world of decentralised finance (DeFi), where the middleman is cut out and YOU benefit. Finally there is hope to tap into abundance for our wellbeing, for our families and for the generations to come.
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What you will learn

This information may change your life - forever!
The Problem
Why do more people struggle with finances? What has gone wrong with our financial and economic system? Why it is not working any more.
Tangible Assets
Safeguarding against the coming inflation. How to invest in assets that will hold their value, including arable land, gold and silver.
Reclaim Privacy
How the Internet has exchanged free social media for loss of privacy, and what we must do to reclaim it.
The 5D Revolution
How the Blockchain will significantly disrupt the current central banking and Government model, redistributing a huge amount of wealth to the people.
DeFi Opportunity
How decentralised finance (DeFi) opens up unbelievable ways to build assets, earn amazing interest, and participate in the fastest growth space in history.
Creative Wealth
The fascinating world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and how they offer more IP control and income opportunities for artists and musicians.
The Crypto Mindset
Navigating the crypto and DeFi space can be perilous. How to manage risk, and be safe while taking full responsibility for your assets.
Abundant Mind
Have we sabotaged ourselves with a poverty mindset and poor habits? How to take definitively control of your finances and start tapping into abundance again.

Your Hosts

Three fascinating livestreamed presentations, then ask and answer questions, and discuss practical ways forward in this 21st century opportunity.
Gerald Lopez
LLB (Lond), PGDip HSc (AUT)
Gerald is a photographer, writer, speaker and workshop presenter, and has been a natural health practitioner, yoga teacher trainer, and aikido instructor over several decades. He has explored crypto and DeFi for the last 3 years, and is a co-founder of DeFi Freedom.
Kim Daniela
IIN Certified Health & Transformational Coach
Kim has worked behind and in front of the camera in Hollywood, brokered finance deals for funding leading edge and humanitarian projects, is an author, a health coach, and a visionary focused on helping people gain sovereignty and transform their lives. She began exploring crypto five years ago.
Tony Knight
CEO EarthStar, Krypton-Knight
Tony has been an entrepreneur for many decades, introducing Himalayan Salt to NZ, and leading NZ tour groups to the Himalayas. He has researched crypto for the last 6 years, introduced hundreds of people to crypto investing, and is a co-founder of DeFi Freedom.
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Livestream Meeting
10am-12pm NZT 9th October 2021
NZ$10 Only
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NZD10 Payment via PayPal
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