Access to this website is provided on the following conditions:
- By applying for membership, the user accepts these Terms of Service.
- The user acknowledges that this website only provides opportunities for education and community, and no financial advice is claimed to be offered anywhere on this site.
- The user takes full responsibility for their own financial decisions, after doing "due diligence" research.
- The membership space is private; and no information, private or public, can be shared outside this space.
- As a community, only respectful interaction and communication will be accepted.
- No attempts to promote or sell services or products will be accepted, including unauthorised referral links.
- Disruptive interaction or communication will not be accepted.
- The website admins will maintain the privacy of user's details using standard security procedures; however they will not accept liability for theft of data through criminal hacking or other methods.
- Paid memberships are RECURRING, and will automatically renew at the end of the membership period, by initiating a payment using the previous payment method.
- The user may terminate their membership at any time. Any discounts applied will be forfeited if they choose to rejoin later.
- The website admins may at their discretion terminate users' memberships at any time, and any paid-up membership period may be forfeited. Before termination, admins will endeavour to warn user of any breach of these Terms of Service, and offer them opportunities to redress any breaches.
- The membership agreement will be under the jurisdiction of New Zealand, and any disputes will be resolved within the New Zealand legal system.